New AGA open letter on the long term performance of HDG vs. CGR. READ IT HERE

When it comes to material selection for projects requiring long design lives, more owners are turning to ASTM A767 Class 1 Hot-dipped galvanized rebar due to its proven durability during fabrication and installation and its 100 year design life due to the robust thickness of the galvanized coating.


ASTM A767 Class 1 Hot-dipped galvanized rebar is the proven performer.



Not all galvanized rebar is created equal. Once the zinc surface begins to dissolve from chloride exposure, the thickness of the galvanized coating is the primary factor in determining the service life of the product. The thicker the coating, the longer it provides corrosion protection. Hot-dipped produces a galvanized coating typically three times (or more) as thick as Continuously Galvanized Rebar (CGR), a sole-sourced product developed in China in 2011 and brought to the American market in 2018.

ASTM A767 Class 1 Hot-dipped galvanized reinforcing steel has the lowest cost of ownership.

Hot-dipped galvanized steel rebar is a superior value to Black, Epoxy and Stainless Steel rebar. Source: HDG Alliance


“I think personally that galvanized rebar is the best solution.”

In this video, Oklahoma State University Professor Dr. Tyler Ley investigates many different types of reinforcing, including epoxy coated, black steel, galvanized and stainless steel. He suggests that galvanized rebar is the best.

“We’ve shown no signs of deterioration of the concrete where we’ve used galvanized rebar.”

“So far with all the bridges we have used galvanized rebar, we have not had to do any maintenance related to those items or to the galvanized rebar. It’s held up very well and we have shown no signs of deterioration of the concrete where we’ve used galvanized rebar,” says Paul Provost, PE, now-retired bridge inspector and senior structural engineer for the NYS Thruway Authority with more than 30 years of experience.


Photo credits: New York State Thruway Authority